Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Goodbye, Facebook

Last night, I did the impossible. I deactivated my Facebook account.

If you know me personally, I'm sure I'm the least likely person to quit the wonderful
world of Facebook. I update daily, post photos religiously, subscribe to "God's Message
for the day", use Facebook chat like crazy... You get the picture.

But on the other hand, I started to feel like Facebook has taken over my life. First thing
I do when I wake up? Check facebook on my celphone. My email inbox is also flooding
with Facebook notifications! When I'm out with my friends, I check facebook on my celphone
(again)... At work, I reply to my emails to update my facebook profile... I change my profile
picture every other day... What's worse, I realized I have neglected so much other important
(and basic) things in my life. I have lost my sense of time management along the process...

I don't think there's really anything wrong with Facebook, but maybe if I learn how to control
it I will be back.. But for now, I will try my best to focus on other things and be a more productive

Now the next challenge is really learning how to keep this thing going...