Monday, May 29, 2006

On Firsts and Lasts.

What a day.

My day started with my last driving lessons, and in fairness, my engine only went out once. From my last class, it was such a disaster! I felt useless on the driver's seat because my teacher was the one who basically did everything from the steering wheel to the brakes. My only control was the clutch, which I wasn't very good at. Surprisingly, I was more focused today, and I maintained an average speed of 25km/h.... I conquered EDSA and the small streets of Pasig. BUT, I lost my focus when we were uphill... in Robinson's Pioneer. hehe.=)

After driving, I decided to give myself a reward. Before heading off for some interviews (some racket I temporarily needed just to get money hehe), I passed by Chocolate Clothing Co. in Mega. Turns out Havaianas had tons of new stocks in the store, and I was overwhelmed by the colors and the designs. I've been wanting a pair for the longest time, but I wouldn't dare purchase one with my own money yet. I think I'd rather buy shoes than buying tsinelas. I also have a hard time choosing which one to buy, with so much choices available to feast on. I can't decide if I should buy brown, pink, yellow, or the printed Havaianas! But today was a different story. I ended up buying one in metallic fuschia pink. Technically, this is part of my brother's "graduation gift", most of which I spent on shoes and slippers=) Also, I figured that I really wanted my slippers in fuschia pink, perfect for almost any attire I have in my closet. Oh, I just love my Havaianas=)

... And then we had chorale. Today was also our last rehearsals. We tried to keep a happy atmosphere despite knowing that it's actually our last rehearsal as the UA&P Chorale. We'll also be having our last concert tomorrow, Sanctuary, in Philam Life Auditorium. Anyway, rehearsals ended in a very dramatic way. Master gave out a few words, while we had an AVP for him and a few messages. Being my vocal self, I decided this was my chances of thanking and saying sorry to Master for not giving my best. I ended up crying..... Heck, everyone was crying. Chorale has already been a ritual for me (for everyone too), and ending it this way was too painful. It was so sad to see Master leave just like that. And I felt a bit guilty realizing that I missed so much of rehearsals and concerts, not making the most out of all of these.

But then, maybe, this happened for a reason. Perhaps Master was destined for greater things, and we're destined to learn from this. For sure, I'll miss chorale A WHOLE LOT, and I'll miss the kind of love for music Master wanted us to have like him. I'll definitely miss vocalizing and singing like everything's all right. I'll miss the after-chorale bonding sessions, all the silly talks we'd have of divicis and SATB's. I never thought of the immense impact the chorale had in my life until now. I feel like losing a big part of me, at the same time, I feel gaining so much from this. Master has taught me to stand up to what I believe in, to stay committed and dedicated to things I love doing. In case Master reads this, I'd like to say THANKS, once again, for being a teacher, mentor, and an inspiration to all of us.

UA&P Chorale @ NAMCYA 2005
"For as long as I have music,
As long as there's a song for me to sing,
I can find my way, I can see a brighter day,
The music in my life will set my spirit free!"
-As Long As I Have Music

1 comment:

Daene | Filipina in Flip Flops said...

OMG my Havaianas are metallic brown! hehe. I think Shara's are metallic green naman. hehehe.

Miss you Enjel! *hugz*