Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Nerve of the Nerd!!

12 days have passed and nothing still. No email, no offline message, nothing.

I have asked myself so many questions these past few days (and giving myself
stupid, useless excuses) why this is all happening. A few reasons I have thought of:

- He's busy (counterargument: But he has a blackberry)
- He's really busy (counterargument: No simple Hello given that he has a blackberry?)
- He doesn't know what to say
- He's thinking about the whole set-up
- He found someone else
- He's being a coward
- He realized he is not into women (haha, how lame but who knows right?)
- His boss prohibited him to access the net at work (counterargument: Duh. As if that stopped him before)

Or maybe he's just not that into me. (counterargument: c'mon, after everything that happened the past 6 months?!) (counterargument to the counterargument: he's just a jerk.)

God, I can't believe I am being my overanalytic self again. It's just that I hate waiting in general. Not knowing why these things happen... Why all of a sudden, I do not hear from him AT ALL. I do not deserve this treatment. Heck, I do not deserve having all of these feelings. Until he gives a very valid reason for this whole hiatus, it will be difficult for me to get things back to the way they were.

Just so unfortunate for me to be getting so affected with all this boy drama. Maybe it's because I saw so much "potential" in this whole set-up.... Plus the family really rooted for him... I honestly want to stop myself from feeling this way but I do not know where to start. It's totally driving me nuts and I am being unfair to myself for letting it get too much into me. :( I hope I'll be okay soon... I better be okay real soon for my own sanity!! But given my "track record", I think I'll be okay.

1 comment:

rissee said...

"Given my track record"?

According to Morrie, you hafta immerse and then detach yourself from the situation. Your self-analysis must be your way of "immersing yourself into the situation" and therefore, you can fully detach yourself from it afterward.

Just another one of those theories. Bwahahaha.

Seriously, there's nothing wrong with analyzing the situation. And he's definitely a jerk for jerking you around. :)

love lots... r