Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I've been tagged!

Thanks to Nadine and Midge, now it's my turn to tell you some things about me;)
Here's how it works:

"Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write 8 facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs."

  • I'm SUPER scared of anything related to RAIN. Call me a coward, but I've had ombrophobia since high school, thanks to an unforgettable experience. I was once flirting around school (yes i was. haha.) when suddenly, it rained like cats and dogs. My friends were able to find shelter, while I was left drenched in the rain. I was already crying by the time I found a roof. A few days after that, I had the worst cough ever (which actually resulted to my allergies/asthma which required me to take an dose of inhaler twice a day). From that day on, I swore I'd never put myself under a situation where I'll be soaked with rain.
  • I'm a sweets addict. Anyone can bribe me with chocolates and candies. One trip to Candy Corner will definitely make my day. A meal wouldn't be complete without dessert. :) I just love how sweets can make you go all hyper and happy and.... sweet. :)
  • I have a mole in my earhole... Many people actually think it's an earring. Some even thought it was cancerous (hell, I've had it since I was a kid! hehe) But I'm proud to say that having a mole in that special spot makes me one of a kind :) FYI, it's on my right earhole.
  • And speaking of ears... I have attached ears! If most people have "hanging" ears, then I have alien-like ears. For some reason the lower part of my ears are directly attached to the sides, so you wont see "excess" fats hanging. It's like the shape of a half-heart. Weird, but unique ;)
  • I was once cast under the spell of three brothers who had a band named Hanson. Damn, you should've seen how my room looked like 8 years ago! I even had remnants of my Hanson days on my study table... I couldn't remove the official Hanson stickers anymore! haha. (gosh, I even remember buying them for 2 dollars!) I even have a complete set of Hanson trivia books, Mmmbop to the Top (the first unofficial biography of Hanson), copies of all the singles (in cd) and the albums Middle of Nowhere (both in cd and tape), Snowed In (tape), and this other album they released (in tape). I also collected pin-ups of Taylor and Zac, memorized every song in Middle of Nowhere, and predicted which single was to be released the next... See, I've had my "teenybopper" moments too ;)
  • Happy thought for the day: Being the ombrophobic that I am, I got stuck in Ministop after it started to rain like cats and dogs. I was in Ministop for around 20 minutes, and I was already a bit hopeless that I would be able to make it home for the next 30 minutes when suddenly Kuya Tap from Ministop approached me and lent me his umbrella. That was such a nice thing to do! It inspired me to spread the lovin' and do a good deed towards others too :)
  • I have never had a boyfriend since birth. For some reason, no guy has ever admitted to me straight to the face that he had feelings for me, or that he ever liked me in one way or another. Heck, I've never even been out on a REAL date! Where art thou my dear soulmate?
  • And last but not the least.... I've studied in 8 schools... and counting! I've lived all over the country and studied in 8 schools, namely: Learning Child Paranaque, Corpus Cristi School Cagayan de Oro, Lourdes College Cagayan de Oro, Ateneo de Davao University, St. Paul College- Pasig, St. Benedict Childhood Education Centre -Cebu, St. Theresa's College- Cebu, and UA&P. OA diba? I intend to add one more school in that roster... For an MBA perhaps? ;)
Wow, I enjoyed answering that :) And so, for the following people, now it's YOUR turn to spread the taggin'!! ---> Merky, Jackie G., Diane Flaviano, Yeni, Monique, and Darah! Well, I hope you read this ;)


j said...

hi, i have va sweet tooth too...i'm a chocolate addict!

princess bratinella, ultimate pasaway said...

haha! noted on the tag. i'll post sa mults. =)