Sunday, May 21, 2006

Reunited (and it feels so good!)

For my four-year stay in UA&P, never have I experienced having so many circle of friends in my whole life. I have my sdl gang (that's me, the cool geeks, and the front row girls), the chorale (kai, aiza, and the rest), 5th year pals (bran, tin, miko, etc.), theater-mates(Viare & Roc friends), dorm buddies (302 girls), and my block o friends (me, reg, anna, maan, kerin, avs, & mei). Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen circumstances (blame it on our majors), I do not get the chance to hang out with most of my friends all the time.

That's us in our younger years...
(Maan, Reg, Kerin, Mei, & Anna Banana)

That's why I was so thrilled about my friend Mei's surprise party. For some reason, we always have reunions on birthdays (we had a block o reunion during my 20th birthday). It was a chance for us 6 to hang out once again after around 2-3 years of separation (OA!haha.). Kerin organized a very simple surprise party and only Mei's closest friends were invited. I almost didn't make it, but I guess it was meant to be. I was supposed to be singing with the chorale but being the pasaway that I am, I was booted off for that performance. Anyway, I decided to go to the surprise party and I did not regret every single moment of it. Reg and I were the first ones to arrive at Ahmed's place (Kerin's friend). I was really embarrassed because it was my first time to meet him and I get really tensed when I'm around people who speak English really well. I have this thing with English-speaking people. When they're around, I freeze. Not that I don't know how to converse in English, it's just that I'm scared of making mistakes that's why I really think about what I say before I say it out loud. And to think more than half of the people there were english-speaking. Training ba ito? hehe.

Eventually, people started to arrive. Maan and Brian arrived after around 20 minutes, and Anna followed. While waiting, we rehearsed the "surprise" for Mei twice, watched Gremlins 2, took pictures (Kerin's friends are big camera whores), and updated each other on our lives. When Mei arrived, there was more chaos. Everybody was just talking and talking at the same time, eating sushi and chips. We also played Mario Party wherein our tracing skills were tested to the extreme. haha! It was such a fun and great night for all.

What actually made it really fun and memorable was that I got the chance to hang out with my close friends again. I miss how we would talk as if we all had hearing problems. Laughing like nobody else was there was another usual thing we'd do (we were once kicked out of a restaurant due to excessive laughter). Just comes to show what kind of friendship we had and will continue to have. I guess this is the start of a rekindled friendship. And I hope there'll be more of this in the future;)

I love you guys!!=)

That's us from Mei's Surprise Bash!! Cute no?:)
Nothing much has changed, maybe except for the hairstyles.. haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha. Of all the things you had to be aware of about Naturale, it would have to be about the Internet fiasco! Anyway, good luck with your application.